Meal Prep for Others

Want to take your meal preparation to the next level? Trust me. It's not as complicated as you might think. There are a few simple elements that you need to consider when it comes to making an excellent meal. The most crucial aspect of meal prep is planning.

What is Meal Prep

"Prep" is short for preparation and that's precisely what meal prep means—to prepare healthy and delicious meals. Meal prep makes cooking significantly more manageable. It can save you time and energy for other tasks in the cooking process like chopping up vegetables, marinating meat, or even just to make it more presentable.

Proper meal prep takes time in itself. However, when compared to cooking from scratch, you'll eventually see how much of that time is worth it. Basically, this streamlines your cooking process to be as efficient and flawless as possible.

Preparing meals ahead of time

Meal prep frees up a lot of your time. Cooking with a lot of time on your hands can reduce stress, make the activity enjoyable, and help you improve your culinary abilities as you have the luxury of being more meticulous, attentive, and safe.

Consider planning your meals daily, weekly, or even monthly. Doing this can help you prepare ingredients, practice cooking techniques, research, and gain insight into how a meal affects a person, such as preferences and, most importantly, health.


Start by planning your meals daily–most preferably the night before. Think about your meal options for the next day and if a particular cooking technique requires more time, including marinating meat or freezing certain ingredients ahead of time.

Make sure that you use ingredients that are already available in your home. So try analyzing and formulating potential recipes based on what you have readily available. Not only does this save you time in the actual cooking process, but it gives you something to look forward to the next day, which is just as important when starting as a home cook.


Planning your meals weekly gives you ample time to purchase ingredients, research cooking techniques, and other aspects that can refine your cooking abilities. Consider saving the most indulgent and delicious meal at the end of the week. Think of it as a reward. You deserve it.


Prepping meals monthly can be a daunting task, but not impossible. Try a weekly plan first and learn from your experiences. Take note of essential information you should know to make things easier for you. After a while, try and start a 2-week plan and work your way up from there. Monthly meal preps can be hard but they are definitely worth it.

Who can you do it for


Suppose you live alone or spend most of your time alone at least. Cooking for yourself can be a delightful activity. It removes the stress of worrying if other people will enjoy the meal you prepared or the time it takes for a meal to be ready. Build up your culinary skills and confidence in the process.

When cooking for yourself, always consider portions. Do you want to enjoy this meal throughout the week? Cook more! Otherwise, cook only what's enough for a single person. Doing this limits food waste and overeating.

Family Members

Cooking for your family is a thoughtful act that shows how much you care about them. This can help you form closer ties with your family. This can also win you points with your family. By cooking better meals, they'll adore you even more. Meal prep is, of course, a great way to achieve this.

When cooking for your family, you know them best—their favorites, allergies, and food they dislike. Meal prep can be a way for you to plan your meals according to their preferences. This can help make sure you make meals that your whole family can enjoy.

Your family can also be your most helpful critics. Naturally, they only want you to become better. So welcome constructive criticism and don't take it personally. I'm sure they only want you to improve, so they'll get delicious meals regularly.


The workplace can be a very hostile environment. Office politics, gossip, and other detrimental factors can contribute to a stressful workplace. So why not brighten the place up with some food? I'm sure your colleagues would love it. This can require a bit more planning from your end.

When cooking for your co-workers, you need to get to know them more, particularly their food preferences and allergies. A person could take even something as simple as food the wrong way. Suppose you cooked a meal for everyone with good intentions, but one co-worker is allergic. Most people would consider this an oversight; however, more sensitive people won't. They might feel alienated from the office experience.

Moreover, I'm sure that some co-workers are home cooks as well. You can share knowledge and tips on enhancing your meal preparation further, effectively making a small food community in the workplace.


All people love a cook in their circle of friends. Like family, you know best. Consider cooking for your friends by throwing small gatherings to have a little fun, but most importantly, for them to test out the food you make. Ask for comments and constructive criticism and improve your meal prep from there.

Friends can also be great "test subjects" when planning a food business. Try giving your friends free samples, with comments and criticism as payment. Improve accordingly, and devise meal preps that can help your potential business.

Why is Meal Prep Important

Meal prep can help you in many ways and improve your quality of life in the process. It can be an excellent way to save time, plan a diet, create sustainable meal patterns to reduce food waste, and save money. The more extensive the planning, the more benefits are reaped.

It can help you financially

One often overlooked benefit of meal prep is saving you money. Planning your meals weekly or monthly gives you the ability to buy ingredients in bulk or wholesale, which is a lot cheaper. However, always take into account potential factors such as expiration dates. Since most ingredients, if not all, are perishable. Which, in turn, ruins the goal of saving money in the first place.

You can also use some ingredients in different ways. One good example is flour. Flour is a versatile ingredient used in many cooking techniques such as baking, even as a thickening agent in sauces, as opposed to ingredients that you can only use once or twice a month, which eventually spoil due to lack of meal planning.

Reduces food waste

Food waste is a very prevalent problem in America. Although more apparent in restaurant chains, homes can be susceptible to this too. As a matter of fact, in a 2011 study, approximately one-third of food is lost or wasted. Meal prepping can help you contribute to mitigating this serious issue.

To reduce food waste, try to include portioning in your meal plans. If, for some reason, there are leftovers, use this to your advantage. Store it and use it for a whole new incredible dish. One good example is grilled meat. Leftover grilled meat can be diced up and added to fried rice for a quick protein pack or as an ingredient in stews or soups to provide more complex flavors. The possibilities are endless, so get creative!

Saves time

In a 2014 study, Americans aged 18 and over spent 37 minutes in food preparation and aftercare. However, the average time spent in meal prep varied considerably among different groups.

By Age:

  • Younger adults (age 18-24) - 21 minutes
  • Working-age adults (age 25-64) - 38 minutes
  • Older adults (65 or older) - 43 minutes

Regarding age, most adults don't have the luxury of time in their meal preps as they prioritize convenience even more. Meal prep is all about efficiency in the kitchen. With proper planning, the duration of meal prep can be considerably cut. Allowing better use of time for other essential activities while getting quality meals.

Allows the consumption of healthier meals

For health concerns, meal prep can go a long way in getting a better you. You'll have a clear and organized diet plan when meals are planned and ready. In a 2020 study, a 6-week meal plan contributed to less food consumption away from home, which is often associated with higher caloric intake and poorer diet quality compared to home-cooked food.

Meal prep can also help you get more motivated to cook at home. If healthy and delicious meals are quickly cooked and more convenient due to proper meal prep, you'll be less likely to consume unhealthy meals like fast food and TV dinners.

It's a business opportunity

The food industry is one of the most lucrative ways to make money. It can get you started on the right foot and help you build a successful brand, whether you're just getting your feet wet in the food industry or you've been doing it for years. Meal prep can be a way for customers to get food fast without compromising quality.

The Meal Prep Process

You can do proper meal prep through a series of steps. To make the most out of it, consider following these steps for a more streamlined meal prep process.

Things to consider before starting a meal prep

  • Food Allergies - Food allergies are a grave matter when cooking for others. Gathering vital information from friends and family can help you adjust your meals accordingly.
  • Food-Drug Interactions - Certain medications can adversely interact with certain ingredients. Try gathering information for other people who might be taking medication and let them know about the ingredients you used and how it relates to their doctors' advice.
  • Cultural Aspect - Always consider and respect people's beliefs when serving food since some ingredients might compromise their religious practice.
  • Personal Preferences - All people have preferences. So consider cooking food that can be enjoyed by most if not all. We have to accept that we can't please everyone.


  • Budget - Always prepare meals that your budget can accommodate. While meal prepping can help you save money, going over budget can do the opposite.
  • Decide what to make for the week - Choose certain recipes and identify the ingredients you'll need for the rest of the week. You should prioritize the ingredients required in most recipes.
  • Fridge and freezer space - Often overlooked, freezer space ensures that your ingredients are appropriately stored for later use, especially for meat and poultry. A lack of freezer space can contribute to food waste and even compromise food safety due to spoilage.
  • Food storage containers - Ensure you have enough containers for all your ingredients. Labeling them can also be a big help in meal prep.

Here are some examples of common food storage containers:

  • Airtight containers - The most preferable, as this seals food more effectively, improving the lifespan of meals more effectively
  • Reusables - Not only does this help you store food, but it's also an excellent way to help the environment.
  • Clear/Glass - Clear food containers, either plastic or glass, can help you identify meals and ingredients faster, saving you more time.
  • Stackables - Containers that can be easily stacked are a great way to maximize fridge space, allowing you to store more meals and ingredients.

Actual Meal Prepping

When preparing meals, always look ahead and determine if you can effectively store them. Be mindful of your fridge space and utilize as much space as possible. Improper food storage can contribute to many problems, especially food poisoning.

Humidity and increased temperature are beneficial for bacterial growth. Meals should be out of the fridge in the shortest time possible. You must store recently cooked food or leftovers to avoid this. When throwing parties, if guests aren't ready to eat, consider putting them in the fridge first.

This list can help you determine the shelf life of food left in the fridge:

Refrigeration at 40°F or lower

  • 1-2 days: Cooked ground poultry or ground beef
  • 3-4 days: Cooked whole meats, fish, and poultry; soups and stews
  • 5 days: Cooked beans; hummus
  • 1 week: Hard-boiled eggs; chopped vegetables if stored in an airtight container
  • 2 weeks: Soft cheese, opened
  • 5-6 weeks: Hard cheese, opened

Freezing at 0°F or lower

  • 2-3 months: Soups and stews; cooked beans
  • 3-6 months: Cooked or ground meat and poultry
  • 6-8 months: Berries and chopped fruit (banana, apples, pears, plums, mango) stored in a freezer bag
  • 8-12 months: Vegetables, if blanched first for about 3-5 minutes (depending on the vegetable)

Meal prep containers

Meal prep containers are a great way to make sure you have healthy, home-cooked meals on hand even when you're short on time. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so you can choose the ones that best fit your needs.

Some meal prep containers have compartments, which help you to organize your ingredients and keep them separate until you're ready to cook. Others are designed with locking lids, which help to prevent food from spilling or drying out.

Regardless of which type of meal prep container you choose, it's important to make sure that you clean them thoroughly after each use. This will help to prevent the growth of bacteria and other contaminants.

Here are some examples of common food storage containers:

  • Airtight containers - The most preferable, as this seals food more effectively, improving the lifespan of meals more effectively
  • Reusables - Not only does this help you store food, but it's also an excellent way to help the environment.
  • Clear/Glass - Clear food containers, either plastic or glass, can help you identify meals and ingredients faster, saving you more time.
  • Stackables - Containers that can be easily stacked are a great way to maximize fridge space, allowing you to store more meals and ingredients.

Don't forget to use containers to separate food and avoid mixing.

Meal prep recipes

I love meal prepping! It's a great way to make sure you always have healthy, home-cooked meals on hand. Here are some of my favorite recipes for meal prep:

• Quinoa bowls with roasted vegetables

• Veggie stir-fry with brown rice

• Black bean burgers with sweet potato fries

• Chickpea salad sandwich wraps

• overnight oats with fruit and nuts


We could all use a few tips on making the most of our available time. Meal prepping is one way to do just that. It will save you time and help you eat healthier and more consistently. It can be time-consuming and tedious, but when you understand how great it feels to eat your own healthy home-cooked meals, you'll see how much worthwhile it is to meal prep.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do office workers meal prep

Office workers have a lot to juggle - meetings, deadlines, conference calls, and more. The last thing they want to deal with is figuring out what to eat for lunch every day. That's where meal prep comes in. Meal prepping is the process of Meal prep meals or snacks in advance, so that you have something delicious and healthy to eat when you need it. There are all sorts of ways to meal prep for office workers. Some people like to cook large batches of food on the weekends and then eat leftovers for lunch during the week. Others like to meal plan meals or snacks in containers. A lot of people find that meal prep day, low-maintenance healthy lunch meals is the best way to go. Ideas for easy office worker lunches include sandwiches, salads, soups, hard boiled eggs, yogurt and fruit, veggie burgers, and whole grain crackers with cheese or peanut butter. And don't forget about snacks! Some great snack options are nuts, seeds, fruit, carrots and celery with hummus, Greek yogurt with berries, and whole grain toast with avocado. By taking the time to meal prep, you can save yourself time and energy during the week - not to mention money spent on takeout.

How do I pack a lunch at work

By packing a lunch at work, you'll save money and eat,healthy. Here are some tips for packing a delicious and healthy lunch:

1) Choose lean protein sources such as grilled chicken or fish, bean burritos, or hummus and pita bread with fresh fruit on the side.

2) Select whole grain breads and crackers instead of white breads.

3) Include plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits.

4) Make sure to pack a healthy snack such as almonds or yogurt to tide you over until lunchtime.

5) Drink plenty of water throughout the day

How can vegans meal prep for work

There are a ton of ways to meal prep for work to get the perfect vegan prep. You can cook up a big batch of quinoa or rice and beans, baby spinach, zucchini noodles, and pack it all up in containers. Or you could make yourself a big salad with lots of different toppings. There are also lots of vegan-friendly snacks that you can take with you to work, like fruit, nuts, apple pie and seeds, and trail mix. And don't forget about smoothies! You can blend up a bunch of healthy ingredients ahead of time and bring them with you in a Thermos. With a little creativity eating healthy, it's easy to come up with tasty vegan meals that will last all week long for a healthy lifestyle.

How long can meal prep last in fridge for healthy eating

If you're anything like me, you love meal prep ideas. It's a great way to save time and money, and it means you always have something tasty and healthy food on hand. But sometimes, life gets in the way and your meal prep can end up sitting in the fridge for a few days (or even a week or two). Here are some tips for how to make sure all your meals lasts as long as possible.

1. Store chopped veggies in airtight containers. This will help them stay fresh longer.

2. If you're storing cooked food, make sure it's covered tightly so that it doesn't dry out.

3. Use freezer-safe containers huge difference for anything that you might want to freeze for later

How do I organize my fridge for meal prep

When it comes to meal prep, organization is key. And when it comes to organization, the fridge is one of the most important places to start. Here are a few tips for organizing your fridge for meal prep:

1. Remove everything from the fridge and give it a good cleaning. This will help you get rid of any expired items and make sure that your fridge is clean and ready for meal prep.

2. Make sure you have all the necessary supplies on hand, including containers, labels, and Reusable Storage Bags . This will make it easy to store food and keep track of what you have prepped.